What minerals are found in HCI CMD?

HCI CMD is a rich source of magnesium, an essential mineral for human health. Two milliliters provides half of the Daily Value for magnesium. HCI CMD is also rounded out by a complete balance of full spectrum naturally occurring minerals and trace minerals, yet is low in sodium.


 Magnesium Chloride

 Sulfate Potassium

 Sodium Lithium


 Calcium Barium Lutetium Carbonate Copper Gadolinium

 Bromide Iron Samarium Flouride Silicon BismuthIodine

 Yttrium Ytterbium Rubidium Molybdenum Erbium Scandium

 Tin Europium Boron Gallium Neodymium Phosphorus

 Gold Nickel Silver Manganese Cesium Chromium

 Beryllium Strotium Selenium Cobalt Vanadium Zinc

 Dysprosium Titanium Holmium Lanthanum Terbium Cerium

 Praseodymium & Other Minerals Found in Sea Water


Why do we need to take mineral supplement (HCI CMD)?



Minerals form the foundation of our health. Minerals help form and maintain bone, assist in muscle function and nerve transmission, and energy conversion. Literally each of the millions of cells in your body requires minerals.


Unfortunately, many of the foods we consume today don’t provide sufficient amounts of minerals we need. Further, other factors such as stress, exercise, the use of certain medications can further deplete already low levels of minerals.


Using HCI CMD helps replenish the essential minerals and trace minerals you require each day.

Today, our food is no longer a reliable source of minerals. Every single cell in the human body must have minerals to stay alive and carry out its functions well.


Is HCI CMD a drug or medicine?

HCI CMD is not a drug or medicine.  It is a high quality mineral supplement.


How does HCI CMD work?

Sickness begins either as a reaction tot an invasion of bacteria, virus, or toxins; or as an imbalance due to either lack of important nutritients, vitamins, or minerals; or an excess of harmful foreign substances like alcohol, or harmless nutrients like sugar. Undue strains in our body like unhealthy food, poor habits, harsh environment and mental stress create a need for detoxification.


CMD has the capacity to help the body remove uric acid, lactic acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposit, dead tissue and chemical accumulated toxins in the body. Toxins are discharged through the circulatory system,  (kidney and liver) by urination and stool.

How to use HCI CMD?

It is easy to consume. Just add a few drops to your hot or cold drinks or food. 20 to 30 drops per day for adults; 1 drop per 2 kg weight for children. It can also be applied externally. Place a drop or two on affected areas. You may also dilute 40 drops of CMD in 50 mL water and spray it over your face or body parts to give you a refreshing feeling. You may also use CMD in cooking to enhance the flavor and nutrition of your food. Use of CMD is not limited only to human beings. It is also good for plants and animals.



 2 to 3 years old – 2 drops/day

 4 to 6 years old – 3 drops/day

 7 to 10 years old – 5 drops/day

 11 to 15 years old – 8 drops/day

 16 to 20 years old – 15 drops/day

 21 years and above – 20 to 30 drops/day

 * One (1) bottle (60 mL) contains one thousand (1000) drops.


** 40 drops per day recommended for person below average health


*** 3 to 4 drops per 250 mL to re-mineralize distilled water.


Note:  For those who are on prescription, do not stop your medication while taking CMD. CMD is a food supplement, not a drug. Reduce the amount of medication only upon the advice of your doctor.



Initially start with:
1st day – 5 drops 2x a day
2nd day – 10 drops 2x a day
3rd day – 15 drops 2x a day
If you have below average health (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, severe arthritis, asthmas):
4th day – 20 drops 2x a dayFor severe pain in any part of the body:
+ Apply 2-3 drops pure HCI CMD 2x a day
+ Apply hot compress 20 minutes 2x a day


Based on the recommendation of Dr. Lilybeth Ocampo


What will I feel after taking CMD?

Normal Reactions:

 1.    A slight change in the amount of perspiration.

 2.    Slight change in the color and clearness of the urine.

 3.    Change in the color and smell of the stools or constipation.

 4.    Tingling sensation.

 5.    Other bearable changes or sensations.

 The above reactions are normal reactions to HCI CMD.  Do not be alarmed as they are the signs that HCI CMD is detoxifying the body of the internal toxins.  Continuous use of HCI CMD will strengthen the immune system making one more resistant to diseases